Sunday, November 2, 2008

We're still alive!

Zane and I are doing really well. We just bought our first home in Promontory, Utah (right by Thiokol). We are in the process of getting some new flooring and paint for the house. It has been exciting and really busy getting it all together. I am still in school and will be for another 2 years or so until I finish my degree. I have a job at an elementary school as a speech teacher and I love the kids. The job is a challenge sometimes, but also very rewarding. Parent teacher conferences are coming up and I'm a little nervous :). Zane has a new job delivering milk to Gossner's and he loves it. Halloween wasn't too exciting around here. Mom and Zane were busy packing all of our belongings away while I worked on a test that was due at midight (I finally got it in at 11:55). We're living with mom while we get our new paint and flooring in the house. I didn't have any good pictures to put up yet, but I did have a cute video of Zane playing with our neice Jerry Ann at grandma's house--enjoy!

Laura, Stacey and the little ones.

Zane on the slopes!

See the white dust in the shape of a bird--that was one of our pigeons that ran right smack into our window.

And here is a better picture of the damage to the window.

Name the out-of-control pigeon that broke our window.

We found this 'little' guy in our yard. He is larger than a dachshund.